by Lone Shark
Frank Cerabino is a columnist for the Palm Beach Post, and he’s established a reputation for himself over the years as a cheeky columnist who’s big on sarcasm but oftentimes light on insight and substantive reporting. “Bino” as he’s often referred to is now having a big laugh with Congressman Allen West’s assertion that the Democrat members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are actually Communists– and for making that assertion, Allen West is now at the vanguard of the new McCarthyism.Memo to Frank- This is not your daddy’s Democrat Party.
Let’s put aside for the moment that the current head of said Party and President of the United States Barack Obama has not only eagerly offered to jeopardize our national security with the President of Russia and former KGB Agent Vladimir Putin (via his puppet Dmitry Medvedev), he’s already disclosed what was previously classified British Intelligence pertaining to their nuclear capability to Putin in exchange for basically nothing.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
And let’s also put aside the fact that many of the influential figures in Barack Obama’s life, from his immediate family and on through his formative years were actual dyed-in-the-red Communists and domestic terrorists that helped shape his worldview.
Let us also recall that many of President Obama’s rogue “czars” are in fact a mélange of individuals who openly espouse Marxist-inspired ideas and some other very distorted worldviews- Van Jones was silly enough to openly admit his Communist inclinations, and that frankness cost him his chance to be a “Green Jobs” Czar when it created a public relations embarrassment- but Jones’ beliefs certainly weren’t a disqualifier for Obama.Oh yes, and the Communist Party USA is so giddy about the job that President Obama has done that they’ve already enthusiastically endorsed him for President in 2012.
You see, Mr. Cerabino, the modern Democratic Party has transformed itself right underneath your nose. This aint JFK’s Democratic Party anymore, and the sleepy senior citizens who live in Century Village that you write for don’t know and don’t care- for the most part, anyways.
So forgive us, Frank, if it’s really hard for us to tell who is who, since the modern Democrat Party continues to cross and blur the lines between what they and actual Communists wish to accomplish through government.
Compulsory Social Security? Check. Compulsory Medicare? Check. Compulsory ObamaCare? Check. And the ones who get the waivers from ObamaCare? Those lucky recipients are friends of the Obama Administration. Squeezing health care providers and insurers on the back end, and choking off citizen’s freedoms on the front end, preventing them from pursuing the best health care that suits their needs in a free market- what a country, as Yakov Smirnoff used to say. Incremental government control that gradually blurs the lines between our initial socialistic health care programs and a statist controlled health care system as envisioned by Obama ultimately creates a two-tiered health care system- one for the wealthy and the connected, and the other for the masses- a pretty good replica of a communistic health care system if there ever was one.
Throw in completely unsustainable fiscal spending, a byzantine tax code, and a hostile regulatory climate that scares off capital formation and stifles job creation, and you have covered most of the ground that the modern Democrat Party seeks to defend with every last ounce of its misinformation and intimidation.Statists in the Democrat Party are enacting policies that Communists can support by confiscating private wealth not through violent and immediate seizure, but gradually through coercive measures that are enacted over time and through the democratic process while ignoring constitutional constraints. Democrats (and their Republican collaborators) have made sure to accomplish what is politically feasible when enough people aren’t paying attention to all of their incursions against liberty or their march through institutions, and it’s only in the past few years that the Tea Party and others have woken up to see that big government is spreading like a malignant tumor.
Im sure that Mr. Cerabino thinks these are all just triflings, I know.
About those 80 or so Members of Congress that are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus that Congressman West identified as “communists”, here’s a question for you, Mr. Cerabino- why aren’t those Democrats content to simply identify themselves as just “Democrats”? Could it be that their agenda is much more aggressively predicated on the redistribution of private wealth for their government programs and constituency groups than that of just ordinary “non-progressive” Democrats who haven’t signed on as capital P “Progressives”, perhaps?
Maybe if Cerabino was motivated enough to get out from behind his desk and actually do some investigative journalism, he would have discovered that Congressman Danny Davis, who represents Illinois’ 7th Congressional District recently received a “Lifetime Achievement Award” from- you guessed it- the Communist Party USA, a man that President Obama once said “shares our values.” Perhaps Cerabino thinks that Davis earned such a distinction for protecting freedom and capitalism- get back to us on that when you find out for sure, will ya?
In the Senate, let’s not forget Bernie Sanders, an avowed Socialist who shares a passion for Communist/Marxist principles.
So Frank, you keep right on looking under your desk and scouring your office for Commies. Your idea of hard hitting investigative reporting means getting Congressman Ted Deutch on the horn and asking him if he’s a Commie or if he knows of any, just for some laughs.
But the joke’s on you and your posterity, Frank- first on you, when some unaccountable government panel denies you that critical life-saving procedure that could have added years to your life when you’re judged to be “too old”. And second, the very sad joke is on your kids and your grand kids who’ll be left holding the bag, wondering who on earth had the audacity to spend their future earnings before they learned to count and why America isn’t quite the land of opportunity that they heard it used to be, but all about who you know and who you blow.