[vsw id=”ndLQt_bT-6A” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]Trey Radel is a husband, a father, an entrepreneur and the Conservative voice of Southwest Florida. Trey is now a candidate to represent Florida’s 19th Congressional District. (Website)
Trey and his wife had their baby boy, Jude, in December.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Most recently, Trey hosted one of Florida’s premier Conservative TV & Radio Talk Shows – Daybreak, on TV-6 & 92.5 Fox News.
Radel is trilingual, well-traveled and has had a successful run in the broadcast industry, but he says his “true test in life” has always come in deciding to put his life on the line as an entrepreneur to start up new businesses and recently, a new nonprofit.
Outside of radio, Radel ran Trey Communications LLC, a Media Relations company that focused on advancing conservative causes. Radel says, “I have fought for and will continue to fight for lower taxes, less government and more freedom.”Trey and his wife recently launched US Forces Fund, a nonprofit focused on helping injured soldiers returning home from abroad. Their first project recently wrapped up. They built a handicapped-accessible addition onto the Cape Coral home of PFC. Corey Kent, who lost his legs and a hand while serving our country in Afghanistan.
Before the TV & radio show, Radel served Southwest Florida as a journalist, working as both an Anchor and as a Reporter in the field.
In between working as a Reporter and Anchor, Radel bought, reformatted, and expanded the Naples Journal, a community newspaper in Collier County.
Looking to the future, Radel says, “In 2012, it’s time to put more fiscal conservatives, non-career politicians into Congress. We need to also take back the Senate and White House. Together, let’s get the job done.”
Political Advertising paid for and approved by Friends of Trey Radel, Inc.