by Javier Manjarres

Rubio’s support of the Act also got the seal of approval from the Associated Builders and Contractors of Florida-
“The Associated Builders and Contractors of Florida applaud Senator Rubio for his effort to repeal the Estate Tax, also known as the Death Tax,” said Peter Dyga, President and CEO of the Associated Builders and Contractors Florida East Coast Chapter. “As the largest commercial construction association in Florida, it is incredibly important to ABC and to many of our small business members that this tax be eliminated.
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Rubio released the following statement regarding the Act:
“I have long supported ending the death tax because it is unfair and bad for economic growth,” said Rubio. “Floridians are already facing an onslaught of new tax increases from ObamaCare, and they should not be hit with another burdensome tax hike from the Obama Administration in a few short months. Under no circumstances should death be a taxable event, and I look forward to working to enact the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act to make sure that this is the case.”