By Javier Manjarres

LeMieux started out the call by identifying himself as the ‘conservative’ choice in the race, and he backed that claim up by stating that he did not ask for a pay increase while in Washington, he did not introduce earmarks, and that he did not push back on the Arizona Immigration Law as Congressman Mack did.
LeMieux also got personal by detailing Mack’s “history of violence” and restated many of Mack’s past arrests and domestic issues including the observation that Mack once had a “Charlie Sheen incident” when he got into a fist fight with former MLB outlfielder Ron Gant.
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But LeMieux did not stop there. LeMieux characterized Mack’s past financial woes as “financial misconduct” by charging that Mack had not paid his bills and actually borrowed money to pay his taxes as a Member of Congress.
According to LeMieux, “the Democrats are going to have a heyday with this-they have already started” and believes that if Mack were to win the Republican nomination, that Mack “would have a hard time defeating incumbent Democrat Senator Bill Nelson.”
I believe with his 20 year wrap sheet that Connie Mack couldn’t get a job as a Police Officer, as a teacher, as a bank officer. So why in the world should we elect him to the U.S. Senate? -Former Senator George LeMieux
Very interestingly, LeMieux slighted his former boss and friend Governor Charlie Crist, pointing out that he endorsed then candidate Marco Rubio here on the Shark Tank right after Charlie Crist bailed on the Republican Party, and before Mack did-
“I believe August, til after the primary, that Connie Mack broke away from a then Independent Charlie Crist and endorsed Marco Rubio”
LeMieux is correct in saying that Mack was big supporter of Crist during the early part of the 2010 Senatorial race, but so was LeMieux. LeMieux did endorse Rubio before Mack, and Mack did wait (for whatever reason) to endorse Crist months later.
But while LeMieux is now distancing himself from Crist, how far can he really get away from his close friend? At a recent Republican Presidential debate, LeMieux was sitting just two seats away from Charlie Crist. Coincidence? LeMieux was also asked if working for former Governor Charlie Crist is something he could take back if he could. He responded, “No.”
In response to Senator LeMieux’s jab at Congressman Connie Mack, the Mack Campaign sent over these remarks:“Let’s be clear. There was one – and only one – person who was Charlie Crist’s self-declared political “Maestro” — George LeMieux. He benefitted lavishly from Charlie Crist. He was personally rewarded by Charlie Crist with his hand-picked appointment to the U.S. Senate. To this day George LeMieux remains the consummate insider’s insider and a political hack, and he has now single-handedly succeeded in turning his own campaign into an embarrassing political joke.”-Jeff Cohen, Campaign Manager
The big question that remains in this Republican primary is that who will be able to throw the proverbial right-hook that will wind up being a knock out blow?