By Javier Manjarres

According to Police, Brennan’s wife Kelly accused him of throwing her to the ground, wrapping her up in a rug and then kicking her while she was in the rug. This sounds like a scene from the movie ‘Goodfellas,’ right? Well, it turns out to have been all made up- kinda.
“Kelly states she landed on top of a rug that was lying on the garage floor…she acted as she had passed out when she landed,” read the arresting officer’s report. “Kelly states Michael then began to roll her up into the carpet ‘as if I was dead or something’… Michael then began to kick and punch at the carpet with her still wrapped in it.”-Huffington Post
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The truth to this unfortunate incident is that Kelly Brennan was extremely intoxicated when she made those allegations, and the police took the word of a biligerent drunk woman (at the time) over her husband’s, and arrested him. The incident forced Mike Brennan to resign from his job with Senator Rubio.
But the truth of what really happened that night came out days later, as Kelly Brennan recanted what she said, saying that she did not remember what she actually said that night.
Here is Kelly Brennan’s statement about the incident via legal counsel:Kelly Brennan, wife of Mike Brennan the former Regional Director to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio says she was highly intoxicated and suffering from Postpartum Stress which led her to make outrageous claims against her husband. Mrs. Brennan states that she doesn’t even remember exactly what she said that night but says her husband has “never once been violent”. “He did not harm me ever.” “Mike is a wonderful husband and father.”
Mike Brennan released the follow statement regarding the dropping of charges against him:
“We are pleased that once the facts were reviewed, the States Attorney’s office found that there was insufficient evidence to pursue a charge against my client. Mr. Brennan maintained his innocence from the moment he was contacted by the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and we had no doubt that he would be vindicated.
We deeply regret that the Lee County Sheriff’s Office failed to take the necessary time to thoroughly investigate this incident and corroborate Mr. Brennan’s statement by interviewing their babysitter, who was present at the home at the time of the alleged incident. Further, the physical evidence in the case supports my client’s innocence. It would have been physically impossible for Mrs. Brennan’s claims to be true, yet this went unnoticed by law enforcement officers. Instead the arresting officer took the statement of Mrs. Brennan, who was obviously intoxicated, and instantly decided to arrest my client. My client was totally cooperative, and sober throughout the entire interview process giving consistent statements and even asking that they contact the babysitter to verify his story.