By Javier Manjarres

Radel is looking to win the Republican nomination for Congressman Connie Mack’s soon-to-be vacated seat in Southwest Florida, as Mack has announced that he will not seek re-election in order to run for the U.S. Senate. Radel jumps into a crowded Republican primary race- the winner of the Republican primary race is a shoe-in to replace Congressman Connie Mack in Congress.
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To learn more about Radel’s campaign, you can visit his website : Here’s his announcement:
Today, I am announcing my candidacy to run for the United State Congress, Florida’s 14th Congressional seat. As a conservative Republican and the conservative voice of Southwest Florida, I’m asking for your vote to represent you and your values.
Career politicians and Barack Obama have failed us. Their path of big government and endless spending is strangling the business community, destroying our economy and shutting down the American Dream.My own piece of the American Dream has been realized right here in Southwest Florida. From my success as an entrepreneur, buying, selling and owning businesses, to my broadcasting career, this community has been wonderful to me. In the concept of Servant Leadership, I would be honored to serve and represent the values of Southwest Florida.
We need honest, bold conservative leadership in Washington. Together, let’s cut spending. Together, let’s keep government in check. Together, let’s restore the American Dream and this great country. Together, LET’S GET THE JOB DONE for our kids, our grandchildren and our future.- Trey Radel