By Javier Manjarres
The Republican Party continues to be plagued by individuals who love to invoke Reagan’s famous “11th commandment” and then proceed to violate in every possible manner when it comes to those within the Party whom they’re not politically aligned with. President Reagan’s 11th commandment states that Republicans shall not talk ill about another Republican. The Broward Republican Party, led by Broward Republican Executive Committee (BREC) Chairman Richard DeNapoli and his inner circle have continually run roughshod over Reagan’s maxim while continuing to remind others to adhere to it- hypocrisy is the BREC’s M.O.It is no secret that DeNapoli and his minions share a creepy deep-rooted obsession fueled by sheer jealousy for me and the national media success of the Shark Tank. Since the Shark Tank has come into existence, DeNapoli and his following have propped up several phony websites and press release-style blogs to try attack yours truly and the Shark Tank, but to no avail.
Let’s go back to 2010, when the Charlie Crist Republican wing of the Party, including Richard DeNapoli and Karin Hoffman(who is supporting Herman Cain, but is about to feel a swift boot) fervently supported Charlie Crist over now Senator Marco Rubio, and the failed congressional campaigns of Ed Lynch and Robert Lowry. On a side note, at a recent BREC precinct training seminar, the BREC hierarchy took a stroll down memory lane when they used some ol’ Charlie Crist campaign door hangers as props in their presentation. Why not use the Marco Rubio literature from his winning campaign?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
During Lowry’s failed congressional bid in which he lost a primary race to Karen Harrington, Lowry could not show more than $150 cash on hand after campaigning for more than a year. During the 2010 election cycle, the Republican Party was introduced to the likes of Karin Hoffman (who runs the fledgling DC Works for US group), Chad Lincoln (VP of the South Broward Republican Club,past finance Chair for Robert Lowry for Congress), Marty Hughes (Central Broward Republicans Club),Robert Lowry (Pres. South Broward Republican Club) Chris Leggett, Ellen Snyder, Steven Rosenblum, Tom Lauder, and many others. Let’s note how closely tied Lincoln, Hughes, Lowry and Hoffman are with DeNapoli. Not to mention the BREC Vice Chairwoman Colleen Stolberg and Treasurer Mark McCarthy, who currently under investigation for filing a false incident report with the Coral Springs, Florida, police department.
Since the beginning of 2011, these phony websites-Florida Conservative News (FCN), Broward Republicans, Red Broward, Truth about Javier Manjarres, javier manjarres, and others have sprouted up to try to counter the Shark Tank’s media ascendancy by making feeble attempts at character assassination of yours truly- all attacks have failed miserably. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank them for obsessing over me – this obsession with me has helped build up my profile, aside from all of the national news that the site draws. Gracias!
The Red Broward blog is the media wing of the BREC. Lauder prides himself on regurgitating someone else’s news and stories, and tries to glom onto the work of others by stating that he is actually making the news.All of these sites, excluding the (I wish I will someday grow up to be like the Shark Tank) Red Broward blog, are registered as ‘Domains by Proxy’. This means that the owner is too much of a coward to put his name to the site(s) and take responsiblility for any and all libelous and ridiculous content that is being written. Aside from these sites, the same cast of characters are now using another phony medium using to try to disseminate their untruths about candidates that they do not support.
The Shark Tank recently posted and article about Congressional candidate Ozzie deFaria where we questioned one of his press-releases that misrepresented his campaign’s alleged “Tea Party” support. Within hours of the post, a Prologs post came out attacking me and questioning Karen Harrington’s candidacy in the contested congressional primary race. Note that at the bottom of the press release, it states who issued the release. In the case, it states “Friends of Ozzie deFaria.” It is clear that deFaria would not have put his name or campaign on a by-line to an article like this, and unfortunately, it seems as if the shady Broward Republicans supporting career politician Joe Kaufman-who has ran two unsuccessful county commission campaigns- are behind the latest press release.(Joe Kaufman supported Bob Smith over Marco Rubio-see picture)
Why do I believe Joe Kaufmann’s people are behind this? Well, several months back, the same kind of press release was sent out bashing Ozzie deFaria of having domestic violence issues and referencing a car accident that deFaria was involved in, an accident that resulted in the death of a woman. This particular press release stated that ‘tea party republicans’ penned the post. Read more here
Joe Kaufmann was forewarned not to collude with the likes of Chad Lincoln and others, as Lincoln has publicly admitted to committing libel and has been sanctioned by the State Republican Party for those same libelous statements that he’s made. This speaks volumes about Joe Kaufman’s lack of character and judgment while hoping that voters will cast their ballot for him over deFaria and Harrington in next year’s primary election.
These actions by a few lonely and embarrassing pawns of the “conservative” movement- the term conservative used very loosely here-have made the Broward Republicans the laughing stalk of the country. ‘All’ of the national and state conservative bloggers and media outlets are aware of their antics and are appalled, and even many of the Fox News types openly joke about how laughable and embarrassing DeNapoli and his people are.Redstate’s Erick Erickson recently hammered the Broward Republicans.
Unfortunately, we should expect more of the same from these cast of clowns, as they have let their emotions and obsessions get the best of them.“Just an Editor’s Note from Erick. I know and fully respect Javier Manjarres. He and I have together endorsed Adam Hasner for the Senate in Florida. I also know that Javier has been under sustained attack by Republicans in Broward County for exposing some rather shady shenanigans within the Broward County GOP. Because of that exposure, the local GOP has been out to get Javier. When I see user names like this and read stuff like this, the first think I think is that this is yet again another attack on Javier trying to get him back for exposing the reckless level of incompetence in Broward.
Javier does awesome work and that he’s drawing this sort of fire means he is really doing good work.
— Erick”