by Javier Manjarres
Not long after I watched President Obama’s gaseous campaign speech on job creation Thursday Night, I received this follow-up email from my own representative in Congress and friend of the Shark Tank, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz:Knowing that Debbie always reads the Shark Tank for conservative enlightenment, I thought a reply in a blog post would allow me to escape the bowels of her staff’s email inbox:I Want to Know What YOU Thought
of the President’s Jobs PlanLast night, we heard the President outline his bold vision for job creation in America. He described how legislation he will present to Congress next week, the American Jobs Act, will make a difference right now to improve our economy and immediately create jobs without adding a cent to the deficit.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.You can let me know what you thought of the President’s jobs plan by taking a moment to fill out the quick survey to the right.
President Obama’s plan cuts taxes for companies that hire new workers and it will also cut payroll taxes in half for every working American and every small business. Once the American Jobs Act passes, small businesses will have increased access to the money they need to expand their business and hire more workers. Since most Americans get their first job through a small business, and with 60 to 80 percent of new jobs coming from them, we must seize the opportunity to capitalize on this job-creating potential.
The President’s plan places special emphasis on getting unemployed Americans back to work – from veterans, to teachers, to construction workers and first responders – while at the same time putting more money back into the pockets of working and middle class Americans.This plan builds on Democratic legislation, like Make it in America, that get our country back on the path to prosperity by investing in American jobs. After nine months of no legislation to spur job growth, it is time for Congress to pass this legislation –now.
As always, I want to hear your opinion. Please take a moment to fill out the quick survey in the upper right of this e-mail to let me know.
Thank you,
Dear Debbie,
Thanks for your email, I caught the President’s speech on Thursday, although I was a bit bummed I had to skip football to watch it. A few things come to mind- What’s all this fuss about “passing this bill right now” when we don’t even have a bill RIGHT NOW? I hope this isn’t a replay of Nancy Pelosi’s “We have to pass this bill first so that you can see what’s in it” type of power-play. Of course this time around, your party doesn’t have carte blanche to pass any ol’ legislation along party lines- that train left the station last November.
Let’s be frank here- when your D’s had complete control of the candy store for two full years, you got every big piece of legislation you wanted- FOR TWO YEARS!- the so called “Stimulus” Plan (Yes Nancy, we still call it that), ObamaCare (yes, I still call it that, apologies to you in advance), Dodd-Frank Financial Regs, Cash for Clunkers, etc. You see, after all of this legislative brilliance from your Party that was specifically designed to “jump start” our economy, even a person with the most modest expectations would think that by now we’d see markets & consumers brimming with confidence, unemployment on the decline, and the recovery would be well underway.
Nope. All of this legislation has only made things much worse. It’s submerged us much further in debt, distorted markets, and generated enormous uncertainty in every sector of the economy. ObamaCare and all these other backdoor regulations are scaring small businesses to death and keeping them from hiring. I’m a small business owner, I should know!
So you want to know I think about this latest “plan” that borrows more money from the kids I haven’t had yet to spend on more questionable infrastructure projects, temp jobs, government jobs, and union cronies of the President?The same thing I thought about it two and a half years ago.
Your friendly constituent,
El Sharko