by Javier Manjarres
The sad saga of the phony front group ‘Somos Republicans’ continues to get more entertaining by the minute. In addition to the deceptions we’ve already chronicled here at the Shark Tank, this self-proclaimed ‘Hispanic Republican’ group is now complaining that the ‘Tea Party’ is to blame for the debt-ceiling crisis, and that the Republican Party is losing the debt-ceiling fight because of the Tea Party and the Party’s lack of ‘party discipline’ -say what?..If their convictions were honest and true, why 82% of Tea Parties oppose cutting entitlements? If their constitutional conditions were true, why do they want to change the clauses they don’t agree with? If their free-trade chanting was true, why do they oppose Nafta. If their limited govt chant was, why do they love BIG govt free federal programs like and entitlements and big brother failed anti-immigrant laws, by state and nationally.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
“Somos Republicans” have maliciously attacked the Tea Party and claimed that all of its members are bigoted with “extreme views” as they define it, on illegal immigration. It is curious, but not surprising to see that this so-called Hispanic Republican group is quick to blame all of society’s woes on the Tea Party and yet never blames the liberal agenda as the true cause of most of the social and fiscal woes that the country faces.
Somos Republicans was founded by Belinda G. Blase of Arizona in November of 2010, she also goes by the name of Dee Dee Blase. Blase contends that SR is the largest Hispanic group in the country, yet the group’s Facebook page shows a mere 600 followers. As we mentioned previously, Blase also is involved with the ‘Tequila Party’, a movement of sorts that we’ve documented to be nothing more than a race-baiting ‘flash mob’.
Word around DC is that Blase is a emotional hot-head with a one-track amnesty mind, and that if you try and oppose her, she will try to intimidate you with her exaggerated membership numbers. Time to put your cards on the table, Belinda- if you are really the true Republican that you make yourself out to be, then why not go after the liberal Democrat agenda with the vigor that you go after Republicans and Tea Party with? And why did you join the Tequila Party- a group that was recently discovered to be in cahoots with the Democrat Party? We’re waiting…..