by Javier Manjarres

According to our friends over at the Miami-Herald, it seems as if Representative Campbell is going to have a very long summer explaining her businesss practices to law enforcement officials.
Neither Campbell, 54, a Democrat whose House district covers northeast Miami-Dade, or Hubert Campbell, 46, who was convicted in a mortgage fraud case in 2007, would respond to interview requests.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The probe comes weeks after the arrest of the couple’s 28-year-old son, Gregory Campbell, in a separate Medicaid fraud case. He is accused of falsely billing the state for nearly $300,000 and has pleaded not guilty…Years earlier, the Campbells’ assisted-living facility in North Miami Beach drew so much attention from the Department of Elder Affairs — which found residents languishing without air conditioning and electricity — that it urged the home be shuttered.–A must Read!: Miami Herald
After the ceremony, Miami Herald’s very own ‘Johnny-on-the-spot‘ reporter Marc Caputo unleashed his ‘Caputo cam‘ on Campbell after she refused to answer his initial questions. Caputo felt compelled to try to get Campbell on tape answering the allegations made against her and her business, and I felt compelled to get both Caputo and Campbell’s encounter on the Shark Cam- pretty funny stuff!
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