by Javier Manjarres

So with obviously plenty of time to spare at this juncture in his career, Senator Rubio has gone back to teaching at Florida International University in Miami. Recall that Rubio taught at FIU both before and during his campaign for the U.S. Senate, only to leave his position after being elected. Sources say that Rubio might attempt to juggle his U.S. Senate schedule with that of a college professor on Mondays and Fridays- the Senate’s typical work week is Tuesday-Thursday.
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Upon running a faculty search on the schools website, Senator Rubio’s name pops up as faculty under Department name, SIPA, the School of International and Public Affairs. The school also posts Rubio’s teaching email address. Senator Rubio’s response to my inquiry of why he went back to teaching was simple and to the point:
“I love teaching.”- Senator Marco Rubio