by Javier Manjarres

“Jesus loves Pornstars” is the motto of a Ministry that exists solely to aid individuals from all walks of life who are assaulted by the pornography business. “The #1 most destructive force in our culture…Pornography”-XXX Church.
Pornography is a leading cause of marriages and families breaking up as well as a catalyst for the illicit child pornography trade. The XXX Church ministry, a non-profit organization mainly funded by other Christian ministries and churches, is unique in the sense that it takes the fight against sex and pornographic addiction directly at the industry-it brings to fight to their doorstep-conder it the ‘AA’ of porn.
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The ministry offers a three-step approach to ‘detoxifying’ addicts, by first addressing the problem by bringing awareness to the public when it exhibits at Adult Expos and events- a platform the sex industry uses to promote itself, and also where sex addicts and fans go to be a part of their addiction. In addition, the ministry also addressed colleges and churches about the “true addictive and destructive nature of pornography.”
The prevention and recovery phases of the program are driven by internet software, workshops, site blogs, and other tools found on their website that can be used to help recovering addicts maintain a sense of balance.
It’s also worth noting that the Adult Entertainment industry does not start and end with the world of Pornography. The Ministry also reaches out to those individuals that are involved in the Adult nightclub scene, such as exotic dancers. Sex addiction is not limited to the relative few that indulge in the actual business of pornography, but it has taken a grip of industries and individuals of all walks of life-Medicine, Accounting, Education-everyone is susceptible to this addiction.Since the introduction and dissemination of Pornography became readily available over the internet, worldwide addiction to sex has been rising at an alarming pace with more than 11 million Americans addicted and millions of dollars being generated by the child pornography business.
Rob Supan, a representative of the organization, took some time to talk a little about the XXXChurch and shed some light on what the ministry is doing to address sex addiction.
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