by Javier Manjarres

West was personally attacked by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz during the 2010 campaign, who ridiculously stated that West, “he wears his extreme disrespect as a badge of honor, he thinks its ok to objectify and denigrate women“, (VIDEO) a clear signal that she feels West is a detriment to women. In addition, Wasserman-Schultz and other Democrats attempted to marginalize West and the ‘Tea Party as dangerous extremist boogeymen that was out to get you- as clear an attempt at character assassination as you will find, but that attempt failed miserably, as election results soon proved.
But considering his history of not backing down from a challenge, I suspect that Congressman West is up to that challenge and will rebuke any and all personal attacks, be it in a form reaction, or if needed, taking a preemptive position.
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West said that the mainstream media lacks journalistic integrity for not reporting or intentionally underreporting these events, noting that the coverage would be far different if a Democrat were involved. Congressman West may be absolutely right when he questions whether things would have gone, or will go differently in the future, were he not a “principled black conservative”, as opposed to being a unprincipled black liberal.
“I find it interesting that in all of these instances, the media simply dismissed the incidents. One might wonder – is it open season on a principled black conservative? I wonder what the reaction would have been if I were a Democrat?Let me be very clear to all reading this missive, but mostly to liberals who subscribe to this behavior, be careful of whom you are choosing to employ these tactics against. I consider myself an easy-going fella who will always engage in intense intellectual exchange. However, if you choose this path of personal attacks, intimidation, and threats you will encounter a very different Congressman (LTC. Ret) Allen B. West.” – Rep. Allen West
Here is the segment pertaining to the attacks from Congressman West’s full statement:
“With that being said, I am sure you can understand that I was greatly disturbed on Friday when someone mailed an envelope of a white powdered substance to one of our offices in Boca Raton. The substance tested negative, and our staffer is fine… however, the derogatory remarks and threats contained in the letter are not conducive to having a civil political discourse.
This incident, is just another in several incidents that have occurred over the last couple of years and, have put me in quite a bad mood. Going back to last year, I have had to endure a Ft Lauderdale liberal blogger publicly stating that he wanted to “skin me alive,” a Florida Member of Congress organizing a protest outside of our office castigating me as a “misogynist,”, that was the same person who is slated to become the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. Also, my private information was openly published by the Florida Democratic party and my opponent.If this is how liberal progressives deem themselves “civil” then the ideological divide which exists in America is not based upon intellectual debate, but rather on the insidious tactics of intimidation.
I find it interesting that in all of these instances, the media simply dismissed the incidents. One might wonder – is it open season on a principled black conservative? I wonder what the reaction would have been if I were a Democrat?
Let me be very clear to all reading this missive, but mostly to liberals who subscribe to this behavior, be careful of whom you are choosing to employ these tactics against. I consider myself an easy-going fella who will always engage in intense intellectual exchange. However, if you choose this path of personal attacks, intimidation, and threats you will encounter a very different Congressman (LTC. Ret) Allen B. West.”