By the Editors of the Shark Tank
Most experienced political observers would agree that it’s simply not realistic for a freshman congressman to be considered for a Presidential ticket because such a candidate simply defies the longstanding customs of the nomination process. And perhaps that’s still true- but perhaps it’s not. Michael Barone recently opined that the Old Rules Won’t Determine who the GOP Presidential Candidate is. A lack of political seniority and name recognition outside of his congressional district are Allen West’s two biggest “liabilities” as he presently stands- but should those disqualify West from any further consideration in 2012? Let’s explain why we think Lt. Col. Allen B. West is indeed a formidable candidate for the 2012 Republican ticket now whom should be the “target” of a draft movement, because in all likelihood, if he were not sufficiently goaded into such an endeavor, West would probably not be interested at this juncture.Perhaps if 2012 were just another presidential election, and we were mired in the usual Democrat-Republican squabbles over the scope of tax cuts or entitlement expansions, a candidate like Allen West could understandably bide his time and wait for his “moment”, but that is not what 2012 presents our country. The truth is that the radicalism of President Barack Obama is a game changer. The very political character of the country may not be able to recover from two full terms of Obama’s legislative initiatives and regulatory power grabs. His wildly delusional budgets are in fact an attempt to scuttle our nation’s private economy at the shores of a vastly expansive federal government. And with serious political skirmishes lighting up across the country- Wisconsin, Arizona, here in Florida, and other states ready to join the fray- 2012 cannot be viewed as anything less than a monumentally critical crossroads for our country that will chart the future of our country.
The best chance Republicans have for success in 2012 will be with a candidate who provides a stark and unmistakable contrast to Obama, a candidate who is fearless leader and a convincing communicator that is determined to put this country back on a path back towards its original constitutional moorings. A candidate who will take President Obama to the mat on every issue as the opportunity presents itself- from his indisputable socialist background, to his underlying philosophy of government, his back-door regulatory efforts, and his knee-jerk hostility towards the private sector and our long-standing allies- a comprehensive rejection of everything President Obama represents in order to clearly communicate to the country not only how radical his agenda is, but how alien it is to our American culture.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Conservatives watched helplessly in 2008 as a tongue-tied John McCain failed to discuss the extent of Obama’s dubious associations to radical preachers and 60’s radicals, his lack of a legislative record, or a level of accomplishment in the private sector befitting a President. Another lackluster Republican nominee will probably doom the country to another four years of Obama.
“The American People are looking for leadership.” – Allen West
Can we really chance the Republican nomination to a safe establishment player who will have many questions not just about their own commitment to limited government, but also towards their ability and desire to effectively take Obama to the mat not just on policy matters, but on his governing philosophy and his contempt for American ideals? Who can we really trust to convincingly accomplish that task? Pick any potential candidate out there, and we’ll show you shortcomings that are far more consequential than simply being a freshman congressman. Simply put, there is no one on the political scene who rivals Allen West as a fearless and unwavering opponent of mulitculturalism and political correctness, the end result of which has saddled our country with a President the caliber of Barack Obama.
Allen West recently stated that he needs to prove himself in the halls of Congress to be considered for higher office, and that’s true if the “old rules” are still in effect. But if political experience and a lengthy legislative record are non-negotiable prerequisites for President, why then would there be any consideration of the potential candidacies of individuals like Herman Cain or Donald Trump, let alone President Obama? West’s military background speaks for itself, his grasp of the issues and his understanding of Constitutional precepts are impressive, and his motivational and leadership abilities are unparalleled on the political scene today. The accomplishments and accolades that West earned on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be burnished by any future legislative accomplishments or votes he will cast.
West believes that Republicans need to avoid the cult of personality syndrome that afflicts the Democrat Party and select its candidates on talent and merit alone, and that’s precisely why we need West’s unassailable leadership qualities right now. West is one of maybe two potential Republican candidates out there (the other candidate’s initials are SP) who has that coveted “wow factor” about them that instantly motivates supporters and activists across the country to move mountains on his behalf. You either have these traits or you don’t, and it’s hard to dismiss such important intangibles simply because West is lacking a long legislative record.
Republicans need to identify a leader in the true sense of the term and resist the temptation to settle for a safe, generic nominee. Far more important for our prospects in 2012 than political experience or past legislative accomplishments is the willingness to speak the complete truth and communicate it in a clear and unhesitating manner that resonates with the masses- Allen West practically has a patent on that ability. We respectfully submit that Allen West is an eminently qualified candidate for the 2012 Republican ticket at this point in time because of his character, leadership ability, and record of service to his country. Will a Draft Allen West movement generate such widespread support that West will have no choice but to answer its call?