By Roger Stone, Special Guest Contributor to the Shark Tank
Newly elected Republican Congressman David Rivera must resign because his multiple illegal actions undermine the Speaker’s pledge to run an honest and transparent House. Contrary to the Speaker’s assertion, Rivera initially misled on his House financial disclosure forms about receiving $132,000 from a company run by his elderly Mother. The House thus has the power to discipline him. Those who criticized the House for just censuring Charlie Rangel must now expel Rivera if he wont resign.The Miami Herald obtained a contract between Flagler and Millennium Marketing, a company with Rivera’s godmother and later his mother as the Chief Executive officer. The Contract specified that Rivera himself would direct a campaign to legalize slots machines in Miami Dade County. The contract also had Rivera’s signature even though he was not a an officer or principal of Millenium. The contract specified that Flagler would pay Millenium $1M for the slot campaign.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Rivera denied to the Miami Herald that he never received any of the $500,000 illegally funneled to the company by gaming executives at Flagler Race Track in Miami. Only after he was caught did Rivera file a hasty Amendment to his filing to reflect the $132K he took from the company. Rivera said it was a loan and quickly paid it back. Believe that and I’ll tell you about the Tooth Fairy.
Now Rivera is the smartest man in the world. Ask him. He’ll tell you. Like when he told me that gaming in Florida required a Constitutional Amendment which was wrong based on the legislatures approval of Black-Jack in the Seminole Compact and the fact that that the legislature’s action has been upheld in Court. Rivera has left himself few defenders. Other than his close family and friends, few can stomach the arrogant and cocky freshman Congressman. Even among Cuban-American Republicans he is widely disliked.
When Rivera wanted the second $500,000 payment from Flagler he sponsored legislation to overturn the very slot machine referendum he was paid the first $500,000 to pass. Prosecutors could consider this criminal extortion. Dave Rivera should resign and focus on his legal defenses. If he fails to resign, a competitive Republican Primary is a certainty, unheard of in the case of newly elected freshmen.
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