by Javier Manjarres
In today’s campaign appearance at the Century Pines Jewish Center at Century Village in Pembroke Pines, FL, Governor Charlie Crist spoke to a crowd of about 300 people about the problems of Social Security, explaining that the Social Security system is “solvent” until 2037 or perhaps 2041. He took shots at both his opponents in the race- charging that Marco Rubio “wants to raise the age of Social Security” and that Kendrick Meek wants to “punt the issue to another committee”.So, if Social Security is “solvent” as the Governor states, then why would he say that Social Security is in financial trouble? And if this is really the case, why would he also state that there are also other ways, like a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants that would help Social Security and other programs? Watch the Video!
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When asked why he was sending out mailers with differing messages to different voting blocks, Crist explained that he was trying to reach out to all voters.
Related articles: Charlie Crist Expresses Disappointment in Senator LeMieux