‘Since 2003, over $10 million has been raised for the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund through the Freedom Concerts and generous donations from the Sean Hannity Show and its listeners. The Scholarship Fund is designated for the education of children of U.S. service members who have been killed or 100% permanently disabled in an operational mission or training accident. Freedom Alliance receives all net proceeds from ticket sales and merchandise, aiding greatly in Freedom Alliance’s effort to assist hundreds of families who have lost their loved ones while they were protecting and defending our nation and our freedoms.’
The concert series features Lynyrd Skynyrd, Michael W. Smith and the Charlie Daniels Band, and as an added treat to the attendees, several GOP candidates running for office were invited to speak to the crowd. First Gubernatorial candidates Rick Scott and Bill McCollum said a few words, then Sean introduced Marco Rubio as the next U.S. Senator from Florida;) Rubio was then followed by the GOP candidates for Attorney General, Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp, Holly Benson and Pam Bondi. From all accounts, the patrons were enthused about the event and showed great appreciation for all of the candidates that spoke.
Freedomalliance.org-Support the Troops