Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist. Diverse New Media, Corp. publishes Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. He ran as a Republican in the 2018 congressional primary race in Florida's CD 22. Javier is also a political consultant, and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Learn more at www.brownpeople.org Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com
The Real Charlie Crist Comes Out of the Closet
Long time observers of Governor Charlie Crist knew that it was not a matter of ‘if”, but when. Crist has finally shed whatever remained of his “Ronald Reagan” conservative clothing and has put on
the hot liberal pant suit that we always knew fit him like a glove. Crist has given his full-throated support of uber-liberal U.S. Supreme Court judge nominee, Elena Kagan. By exclaiming that he supports Kagan “a lot… I think she’d do a great job, ” Crist has clearly shed his inhibitions and come out of the closet, never to return again to his former ways. As Kagan’s record is brought out of mothballs, we have learned that she has strong reservations about upholding 2nd Amendment- does this mean Charlie also getting soft on his much touted Pro-Gun position too? More likely, he never even bothered to vet Kagan at all, and is support of her is once again based on nothing more than pure political calculation.
Let’s also remember how Crist opposed Judge Sonya Sotomayor when it was still cool for Republicans to do so last year. You have to wonder if Crist really supported Sotomayor all along, but publicly opposed her because it would not sit well with his then Republican base. Charlie would do something like that, you say? Of course Charlie Chameleon would, he’s made a career as calculating opportunist who will go wherever the political wind blows.Here’s a little list of Charlie Chameleon’s flip-flops-
Flip #1-He said he would not run as an Independent-would only run as a Republican.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Here is Charlie’s quote when he was asked at the Fox News debate by Chris Wallace if he would run as an Independent. “I’m running as a Republican. I’m very proud to be from the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, others that really have stood up for our party, like Ronald Reagan. This is a great party. It has a great future. We have a great opportunity to win in November. It’s important that we put a candidate up that can win in November”
Flip #2-Now Charlie is against off-shore oil drilling, before he was for it, which came after he was originally against it.
Flip # 3- Twice told ex-Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani that he would support him in his Presidential bid. Crist then flipped Giuliani the bird and endorsed Senator John McCain instead.Flip # 4-Pledged not to raise taxes, but then raised the cigarette tax. Stating that the reason he signed off on the tax hike was to bring awareness to the health issues associated with smoking-not that the fact that the tax raised revenue to help balance the state budget.
Flip # 5- Charlie has swayed to and fro throughout his career on the abortion issue, choosing to campaign one way, and then govern in another. Crist’s latest position will be an attempt to court Democrat voters and highlight his Pro-choice credentials. Crist recently said that there is “probably not a whole lot” that would convince him to sign House Bill 1143, which he has yet to receive from the state legislature.
Stay tuned for more Charlie Chameleon flip-flops as our fickle friend dances in the summer wind…