The Democratic Party has really lost its mind, really.
In case you missed it, the Democrats recently tweeted that Senator Marco Rubio said that the tragic Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris was a “positive development,” to his presidential campaign.A total lie.
Here is the tweet:
ICYMI, yesterday Marco Rubio suggested the Paris terrorist attacks are a “positive development” for his campaign.
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Rubio never mentioned his campaign, suggested, or even eluded to it.
Here is what he said:
“I am obviously not happy with the events that happened last week in Paris, but I think it’s a positive development suddenly that has cast, forced Americans to confront more carefully the issue of national security.”
Next we can expect the Democrats to say that Rubio really isn’t Hispanic, and is out of touch with the Latino community because he is not brown-looking enough and doesn’t speak like Scarface’s Tony Montano or Speedy Gonzalez.